Energy Therapy & Chakra Healing

Energy healing, a holistic practice also known as energy therapy or energy medicine, represents a number of modalities that activate and rewire the energy circuits in our bodies to remove harmful blockages, regain balance, and facilitate our body’s intrinsic healing capabilities. Energy healing practitioners combine different techniques to assist people in their journey, searching for the origin of any obvious difficulties/challenges, such as physical pain, emotional imbalances, self-sabotaging/limiting thoughts and belief systems, phobias, relationship issues, addictions, grief/loss, etc.

How Does Energy Healing Work? Depending on the method, energy healing focuses on the life force that flows through all of us; that force that dictates our mood, health, energy, and ability to connect with other beings. Other cultures referr to it as ki/qi (pronounced: chi) or prana, the energy that spins and flows through the chakras (energy anatomy, more later). Influencing this flow of energy by implementing physical and mental awareness and intention, brings about profound and results. Through meditation, eating/nutrition, restfulness and movement/exercise our energy bodies can be altered to demonstrate robust health, higher states of consciousness and, yes… balanced, vibrant energy.

Energy, the animating force of our existence, is the very basic commonality between all of us. It allows us to breathe, eat, move, create, experience, remember. It wants to survive and communicate and prosper. Yet, us westerners are often reluctant to embrace it as something that should be considered in medicine. People are defined as “healthy” when they are free of disease, pain or defect, but what about the state of our mind and our heart? Meanwhile, it is the focus of many eastern cultures and ancient health practices to harness the body’s energy to stimulate natural healing and provide remedies for the things that commonly ail us, and it can be used as a supplement to the prescribed medicine that we know to be tried and true.

Medicine will only become a truly healing art when biology, mind, spirit and the environment that sustains us are viewed as one intertwined system. Addressing only can be seen, described or detected from a test or scan is like looking at a tree and not acknowledging the roots. Outside of the holistic environment, doctors rarely ask: “What’s happening in conscious mind of my patient and how might this be related to the disease/illness? What is the root cause of the cellular chaos?

Human beings are multi-dimensional energy systems, very much like our intricate universe. Stability on the physical levels requires balance at the subtle levels. Interruption in the system causes a ripple effect. Without homeostasis, any prolonged imbalance will eventually, manifest as dis-ease in one form or another. Thus the primary purpose of energy healing is to change the vibrational frequencies of the body’s energetic fields, channels and centers, and thereby bring the whole system back into balance. Anyone, at any time, can benefit from an energy healing practice. In the same way that you don't need to understand gravity before you can fall down, you don't need to master the concept of energy therapy before you dive in.

Chakra Healing - *I have found this route to be the most revealing the fastest, which allows the work to begin immediately.

This ancient metaphysical system diagrams the interrelationship between various aspects of our individuality and the cosmos. The Chakra system addresses our complexity in a simple and systematic way. Located in alignment from the top of our head, to the base of our spine, when functioning in synchronicity, they allow for a steady flow of energy throughout the body. Much like the Chinese yin-yang balance of qi, the energy in our chakras must be properly balanced. It doesn’t make sense to have excessive energy in one chakra and a deficiency in another, which would dilute some of the magnificent qualities of your character.

Chakras have the ability to open and close, to expand and contract, allowing for both the outward and inward flow of energy. Our chakras tend to close when we experience negativity, sadness and anger. In order to open up chakras we use breathing techniques, meditative therapies and mindful intention to eliminate resistance and open up to the flow of positive energy.

The functioning of the chakras reflects decisions we make concerning how we choose to respond to our circumstances. We open and close these valves when we decide what to think, and what to feel, and through which perceptual filter we choose to experience the world around us. The chakras located on the lower body are our instinctual side, the upper spine our mental side.

The Chakras interact with the physical body through two major vehicles, the endocrine system and the nervous system. Each of the seven chakras is associated with one of the seven endocrine glands, and also with a group of nerves called a plexus. Thus, each chakra can be associated with specific parts of the body and particular functions within the body controlled by that plexus or that endocrine gland associated with that chakra.

All of your senses, all of your perceptions, all of your possible states of awareness, everything that it is possible for you to experience, can be divided into seven categories. Each category can be associated with a particular chakra. Thus, the chakras represent not only particular parts of your physical body, but also particular parts of your consciousness.

Psychologically, the chakras correspond to major areas of our lives (from bottom to top): survival, sex, power, love, communication, imagination, and spirituality. If we take the literal meaning of the word chakra (disk) and give it a modern interpretation, we can think of chakra as a psychic floppy disk that contains programming about how to handle various aspects of our life. These floppy disks plug into the hardware of our bodies, and are interpreted by the operating system of our basic consciousness.

The seven chakras are as follows: Muladhara or Root Chakra - Base of Spine (tailbone); Swadhisthana or Sacral Chakra - two inches below the navel; Manipuraka or Solar Plexus Chakra - three inches above navel; Anahata or Heart Chakra - located at heart; Vishuddhi or Throat Chakra - located at throat; Sahasrara or Third Eye - center of forehead/middle of brow; Sahasrara or Crown Chakra -top of head.

The chakra system is in fact a pathway from form to formless, body to Spirit, and unconscious to conscious to cosmic consciousness. The implications for how to use this knowledge of ourselves offered through the chakras is vast, ranging from gaining insights into our physical health, emotional health and well being, unlocking stuck behavioral patterns, as well as increasing understanding of and growing sensitivity to our Spiritual connection.

There are many ways to shift your vibration and balance the energy in your chakras. From guided meditations and hypnosis to sound therapy and yoga; acupuncture, reflexology, reiki, to tai chi, earthing, creative expression and so many other methods. Understanding the chakras allows you to interpret the relationship between your perceptive filter of awareness and your body, and to thus see your wellness as a map of your consciousness.

I recommend maintaining your energetic health from home. Just like you wash your body and brush your teeth daily, you might consider attending to your energy more regularly. Once you visit with an energy healer, keep the good vibes flowing by committing to home practice, which will be a different recommendation for each person. Sometimes it might be taking a salt bath for 20 minutes whenever you start to feel emotionally symptomatic. Smudging, or burning sage around you, can also help clear negativity from your energy field. Participating in a daily/weekly yoga session or spending time outside can also bring you back into balance. Some people use high-vibe crystals that have their own healing properties and can give your energy some support.

If you' find yourself interested in learning more about Energy Therapies and Healing or the Chakra System, I can help you with that! Just click over the Wellness Consultations tab at the top and send me a message. Thank you for reading ~ Namaste.


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